From left to right: Frank Mastrobattista, Wholesale Fiber Sales, Fibernet Direct (Crown Castle), Ken Beck, AVP Wholesale Service Management, CenturyLink; Meredith Caram, AVP Market Development, AT&T Partner Solutions; Bob Nomura, Regional Sales Manager, Cogent; Nick Sgroi, VP & Board Member, Bandwidth; Fedor Smith, President & Managing Partner, ATLANTIC-ACM; Lorenzo Leuzzi, SVP of Carrier, Lightower Fiber Networks
Leading research consultancy and market diligence firm ATLANTIC-ACM delivered its 2017 Metro Wholesale Service Provider Excellence Awards on Monday, October 16 at the INCOMPAS Show in San Francisco, CA. The awards were determined by responses to the firm’s annual customer feedback survey which collected approximately 1,450 customer evaluations of more than 60 individual metro wholesale service providers. ATLANTIC-ACM introduced the Metro Wholesale Report Card survey in 2006 to identify the strengths and weaknesses of wholesale providers, along with customer buying trends and priorities, and the 2017 analysis of the ~$19B voice, data, and IP market marks the 12th consecutive year of its completion.
ATLANTIC-ACM President and Managing Partner Fedor Smith delivered the awards as follows:
- Verizon: ILEC Awards for Brand, Service Delivery, Customer Service, Data Value, Voice Value
- AT&T: ILEC Awards for Brand, Sales Reps, and Network Performance
- CenturyLink: ILEC Award for Billing
- Fibernet Direct: CLEC/Cable Awards for Brand, Sales Reps, Network Performance, Billing, and Customer Service
- Bandwidth: CLEC/Cable Awards for Service Delivery and Voice Value
- Cogent: CLEC/Cable Award for Data Value
- Lightower Fiber Networks: CLEC/Cable Award for Data Value
Founded in 1991, ATLANTIC-ACM, is a leading strategic consulting firm to the telecom and technology sectors. ATLANTIC-ACM assists corporate and investor clients in evaluating strategic growth opportunities for successful investment, market entry, optimization, and long-term planning. For more than two decades, Boston-based ATLANTIC-ACM has helped leading companies identify opportunities, capture and retain market share, and navigate changing market dynamics, economies, and technologies. For more information, visit ATLANTIC-ACM’s website at http://www.atlantic-acm.com